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Corruption is one of the most malign form of cancer of democracy. Corruption is an obstacle to the realisation of all human rights, without exception.
Corruption disproportionately impacts the poorest members of the community.
"Not a single Sustainable Development Goal will be attained, and development will remain a utopia, as long as corruption prevails. Corruption kills and destroys lives daily. It is a curse which will only be curbed by our human determination to promote and protect the common good."
- Ketakandriana Rafitoson,
Executive Director of Transparency International Initiative Madagascar
In a televised interview on Aug. 27 2023, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky said he has submitted a proposal to parliament to equate corruption with treason while martial law is in effect in Ukraine.
Fernando Villavicencio, a prominent anticorruption candidate to the 2023 presidential elections in Ecuador was assassinated in August, just prior to the election.