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Project: Pilgrimage for Democracy and Social Justice

All the pages introducing the different aspects of the project "Pilgrimage for Democracy and Social justice".



Something as important as democracy and freedom cannot be described as "mine" or "yours". They are "ours".

Our fates are connected. We live on the planet, at the same historical time. Social justice is to make sure that every individual has the same opportunities to develop their full human and spiritual potential.

A project as ambitious as this one can only be a collective project. By definition, democracy itself is a collective endeavour.

However talented, gifted and intelligent some individuals might be, collective intelligence and the power of teamwork will always be greater.

We are a small but growing team of dedicated individuals, determined to help humanity develop its fullest potential.


With your participation, our community will be bigger, stronger, and able to achieve more.

Most of the community interaction will be done within the project hosted at Codeberg.

The most efficient way to contribute to this project is to register at codeberg.org, follow the PilgrimageForDemocracy project, comment on issues and, if you know how, contribute via pull requests.

Browse the list of open issues (tasks to do) at Codeberg. create a new issue for each distinct topic. Let us know what needs to be added or modified. Beware: codeberg is not a chatter forum. Please let the discussion be focussed on the actual development of the website.


Team work

We all have different abilities. We can pool our time, knowledge and skills, and contribute according to our areas of expertise or interest.

Addendum B: Democracy — the Soloist and the Choir

Individual genius vs. collective achievements!


Share your best ideas with people around you. Share this website, and the articles therein that you liked the best.


Many topics need to be researched. Check the issue queue at Codeberg.

Illustrations and multimedia

If you have some talent in drawing some illustrations, to visually complement the existing text, let us know under which licence you would be willing to contribute your artwork.

Most of the content here is in text form. At some stage, we will need help to make it more easily accessible to a larger audience, by creating illustrations and videos.


By design, the code is kept very simple. The website is pure HTML and CSS, and we use very simple PHP code for preprocessing individual pages. You can help improve the design, although we intentionally keep the design very low-key and simple.

Git and pull requests

If you don't know what git and pull requests are, then this section is not for you! ;) However, should you wish to contribute more directly to this project, pull requests are the best way to go about it! Let us know if you need assistance in submitting your first patch via pull request.

See: Git workflow.


We need to develop the website by adding a lot of interrelated content. For each item below, check the relevant sections for what already exists and what is missing. Also, check the issue tracker at Codeberg for specific requests.


First and foremost, we need to inform the visitors of the website, tell them of the issues, the challenges and possible solutions.


At some stage, we can add some content for teachers to use in their classrooms. If you are a teacher or educator yourself, we'd welcome your ideas for teaching material and handouts to use at school.

Technical content

Detailed policy proposals, specifications, procedures and all sorts of technical details that a lawmaker or an implementor would need to know.


Campaign and outreach material, to promote this project and the ideas therein.

Research and development

There is still so much that we do not know. How to conduct research? What topics to research? What research has already been done elsewhere, that we should be aware of?


No small group of individuals can know everything. There is a big potential for crowdsourcing information, news and data.

Fact checking

We need your help to make sure that all the information presented in this project is accurate.


We need all kinds of raw data to use in our research and analysis.

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