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Costa Rica

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Issue #23:    Costa Rica

How does Costa Rica have the highest press freedom score in the Americas? And why is it so different to its neighbours, which have much lower scores?

Costa Rica — Democracy Index (2022)
Full democracyFlawed democracyHybrid regimeAuthoritarian regime
Costa Rica — Press Freedom Index (2022)
GoodSatisfactoryProblematicDifficultVery Serious

Freedom House: country profile for Costa Rica

Costa Rica has a long history of democratic stability, with a multiparty political system and regular rotations of power through credible elections. Freedoms of expression and association are robust. The rule of law is generally strong, though presidents have often been implicated in corruption scandals. Among other ongoing concerns, Indigenous people face discrimination, and land disputes involving Indigenous communities persist.
Costa Rica — Freedom House Global freedom index (2023)
FreePartly FreeNot Free

Freedom House: internet freedom in Costa Rica

Costa Rica continues to have one of the world’s most open online environments. Internet access is generally robust, though socioeconomic and geographic divides persist. Users enjoy unfettered access to online content and their rights to free expression are largely protected by the laws and the courts. Government institutions face disruptive cyberattacks, however, while misinformation and activity from inauthentic accounts inform online discussions during electoral periods.
Costa Rica — Freedom House Internet freedom index (2022)
FreePartly FreeNot Free

Press freedom

In the 2022 Reporters Without Borders Press Freedom index, Costa Rica is ranked 8th country in the world, with a score of 85.92 ("Good"). This excellent score is even more noteworthy because neighbouring countries Panama is ranked 74th with a score of 62.78 ("Difficult") and Nicaragua is ranked 160th with a score of 37.09 ("Very serious"). [1]

Costa Rica is seen as a safe haven for journalism. A Salvadoran independent media company decided in 2023 to move its administrative and legal operations to Costa Rica, in order to escape from what they called "a campaign of government harassment" in El Salvador. [2]

Costa Rican history

The following Costa Rica articles are of particular interest (Wikipedia):

Environmental policy

The World Future Council has featured Costa Rica's environmental policies, and its drive to use 100% renewable energy.

100% renewable energy in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a frontrunner when it comes to renewable energy. Roughly, 95-98% of the country’s electricity has come from renewable sources since 2014. However, around 70% of the country’s overall energy still comes from oil and gas. Costa Rica’s President Carlos Alvarado has vowed to fully decarbonize the country’s economy and make the Latin American country the first carbon-neutral nation in the world no later than 2020. In addition, the government has launched its Decarbonization Plan in February 2019 to support its contribution to the Paris Agreement. The ambitious Plan aims to eliminate the country’s greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and promote the modernization of the country through green growth.


  1. ^    RSF Press Freedom Index 2022
  2. ^    ‘Criminalising journalism’: Famous Salvadoran outlet to relocate
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