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Democracy under attack

Established democracies are under attack from authoritarian regimes, as well as from within.


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Cyberwarfare is state-organized cybercrime targeting other states.

In the news

There is no way to know the real extent of cyberwarfare between countries not officially at war, but who are strategic and ideological opponents. Now and then, there appears some stories in the news of active cyberwarfare between states.


Many countries including the United States, United Kingdom, Russia, China, Israel, Iran, and North Korea have active cyber capabilities for offensive and defensive operations. As states explore the use of cyber operations and combine capabilities, the likelihood of physical confrontation and violence playing out as a result of, or part of, a cyber operation is increased.

Cyberwarfare by China

In 2017, Foreign Policy provided an estimated range for China's "hacker army" personnel, anywhere from 50,000 to 100,000 individuals.

Cyberwarfare by Russia

Cyberwarfare by Russia includes denial of service attacks, hacker attacks, dissemination of disinformation and propaganda, participation of state-sponsored teams in political blogs, internet surveillance using SORM technology, persecution of cyber-dissidents and other active measures.


  1. ^    Russian hackers lured diplomats in Ukraine with cheap BMW ad
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