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List of organisations

Organisation related to peace, democracy or social justice.

Data-Pop Alliance

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Since 2013, Data-Pop Alliance has worked to apply cutting edge data science to solve the world’s most pressing problems. As the 2030 deadline for the UN sustainable development goals approaches, they advocate the use of novel approaches to enhance the efficacy of the global development sector and reach those most in need. [1]

Data-Pop Alliance has a research and outreach program on technology and democracy.

Data-Pop Alliance

Data-Pop Alliance's website.

Data Pop Alliance

Data-Pop Alliance is a non-profit think tank founded by the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, MIT Media Lab and the Overseas Development Institute. Its research areas includes public policy, inequality, privacy, crime, climate change and human rights. Data-Pop Alliance is a partner for the United Nations Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data and the Sustainable Development Learning & Training Course Partnerships.


  1. ^    About DPA: We want to change the world with data.
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