It is said that there are only two things that are certain in life: death and taxes.
The government needs the financial resources to perform its duties.
Taxes are obviously necessary.
However, not all taxes are created equal.
What criteria can we use to evaluate the usefulness of a tax, and its contribution to running a balanced society?
What taxes are harmful and should be abolished?
What taxes would, overall, be more beneficial?
What proportions do harmful taxes take in a government's budget, as compared to more benign taxes?
A flat tax, whereby everybody is taxed with the same rate regardless of wealth or income,
would not solve any of the major problem of current tax systems.
It would not be taxing was ought to be taxed,
nor would it solve the problem of unfair wealth inequality.
A flat tax (short for flat-rate tax) is a tax with a single rate on the taxable amount,
after accounting for any deductions or exemptions from the tax base.