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Democracy and social justice in the world.

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India has protested an official "standard map" published by China in 2023 which show Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh and Aksai Chin plateau as being within China's territory. See Chinese expansionism.

India — Democracy Index (2022)
Full democracyFlawed democracyHybrid regimeAuthoritarian regime
India — Press Freedom Index (2022)
GoodSatisfactoryProblematicDifficultVery Serious

Freedom House: country profile for India

While India is a multiparty democracy, the government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has presided over discriminatory policies and a rise in persecution affecting the Muslim population.
India — Freedom House Global freedom index (2023)
FreePartly FreeNot Free

Freedom House: internet freedom in India

Internet freedom in India marginally improved over the last year, following four years of decline, as efforts to bridge the country’s digital divides expanded access to the internet. While the government continues to impose internet shutdowns, they have reduced in their frequency and intensity. Legal challenges to laws enabling the government to censor online content—including against the controversial Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021—have seen limits imposed on some powers. However, the state continues to block online content, and Indian internet users risk arrest for posts critical of the government. Misinformation and disinformation are frequently shared online, and journalists, nongovernmental organizations, and members of marginalized groups remain at risk of facing hate speech and online harassment.
India — Freedom House Internet freedom index (2022)
FreePartly FreeNot Free


India has been a federal republic since 1950, governed through a democratic parliamentary system. It is a pluralistic, multilingual and multi-ethnic society. India's population grew from 361 million in 1951 to almost 1.4 billion in 2022.

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