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For each person that shall be featured below, we include only the information that is directly relevant to the project. In particular, we shall not cover personal information, biography, controversies, etc. unless such information has particular significance for the topics we aim to cover. To the extent that a person is notable enough to have a wikipedia article, we shall link to it: interested readers shall find more information there.
Listed in alphabetical order by surname.
John Abrams — American entrepreneur.
Maurice Allais — French economist.
Gar Alperovitz — Historian and political economist.
Anne Applebaum — Journalist and historian, Applebaum wrote about the history of Communism
Ruth Ben-Ghiat — American historian.
Richard Bluhm — Professor of macroeconomics and digital transformation
Sharon Brous
Clark D. Cunningham — Georgia professor of constitutional law, law & ethics.
Denise Dresser — Mexican writer and university professor
Rolf Dobelli
Maurice Duverger
Mo Gawdat — Engineer, entrepreneur, writer and former chief business officer for Google X.
Henry George
Eddie Glaude
Michael Honey — American civil rights and labor historian.
Glenn Kirschner — American attorney.
Staffan Lindberg
J. Michael Luttig — American judge and corporate lawyer.
Narges Mohammadi
Denis Mukwege
Thomas Piketty — French economist
Maria Ressa — Filipino journalist and 2021 Nobel Peace Prize laureate.
Don Miguel Ruiz — Mexican author.
Alexis de Tocqueville
Laurence Tribe — American constitutional legal scholar.
Donald Trump
Ernst Friedrich Schumacher
Kerry Washington
Karoline Wiesner
Volodymyr Zelensky — President of Ukraine.