The following pages introduce the Pilgrimage for Democracy and Social Justice project.
There are so many topics to cover! Check the growing listing of sections and articles that are already published. You can also preview some of the topics that we plan to develop in the next few months and years.
The menu provides a convenient entry point for new and returning visitors.
If you are already very familiar with the existing content of this website, this page makes it convenient to check all the newest updates and additions since your last visit.
The best ideas for a mature democracy and social justice do not belong to any single person or organization. They belong to all of humanity.
Most of the content on this website is placed in the public domain. You can share, copy, duplicate, republish, modify all of the most important articles, and add your best ideas, research, and policy proposals.
There are, however, some minor exceptions for third-party material and code. You can check this page for details.
Let's pool our resources, knowledge and skills. Teamwork and our collective intelligence will ensure the success of this project.
Share all around you, all that which inspires you.
Together, let's try to inspire people around us to sow the seeds of future peace.
Our nascent project is still tiny, but will achieve its goals by building up on the work of very large organizations.
Discusses some differences and similarities between the Wikipedia project and the Pilgrimage for Democracy and Social Justice project.
This page provides instructions on how to set up a development website on your own computer. You can then change the source code of the website and see the results straight away.
For a most efficient development workflow, it is best to integrate the development scripts into your text editor.