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Healthy institutions are the most critical parts to safeguard democracy.

Small government

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In many countries, notably in the United States, the notion of "small government" regularly crops up during political debates. While we are rather in favour of a naturally small government, we must warn citizens and voters of every country of its ugly cousins: the artificially small government and the nefariously small government.

Naturally small government

A naturally small government occurs when people in the society are evolved enough that there is little to no crime, that people behave civilly by default, that they take care of their families, neighbours, etc. in the name of mutual help, solidarity and compassion. Then there would be naturally little need for a government to keep society in order...

Addendum C: Democracy — Saints and Little Devils

A thought experiment: imagine a democracy of saints vs a democracy of little devils...

Artificially small government

An artificially small government is what would get if people shrunk the government by force in the misguided notion that a smaller government would mean more individual freedoms and liberties. Such people might mean well, but they are ultimately misguided, most probably mislead by certain medias who keep selling them the idea of a small government. There are unfortunately very good reasons why we need such gargantuan governments, and removing the guardrails prematurely might prove disastrous.

Nefariously small government

A nefariously small government is what we would get if some ultra-conservative leaders and their enablers had their way. They want to get rid of the parts of the government that hinder them in their agenda, in order to facilitate their own power grab... The government is an obstacle to their criminal ambitions so they need to get rid of it.

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