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Where we explore a full, comprehensive definition of democracy.

Addendum B: Democracy — the Soloist and the Choir

Individual genius vs. collective achievements!

Addendum C: Democracy — Saints and Little Devils

A thought experiment

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Since in a democracy, by definition, the power is in our hands, it is ultimately our responsibility what kind of democracy we shall have. What we are, collectively and individually, will ultimately dictate the quality of our democracy.

A thought experiment: imagine a democracy of saints vs a democracy of little devils...

Saints and Little Devils

Two countries

Let's imagine two different countries, both democracies. At the start, they have very similar democratic institutions. Their population, however, are different. The first country is populated by humble saints. The second country is populated by little devils...

TBC (Although you probably already can see where we're heading... ;) )

The human factor

Institutional vs Human Factors in Democracy

The quality of a democracy is affected by a huge number of factors, which could broadly be sorted into two categories: the human factors and the institutional factors which influence each other. The institutions are a reflection of the human who created them, and human behaviour is often directly influenced by the institutions.


It is obvious that the fewer criminals there are in a society, the easier it would be for the society to police itself. The role of criminal justice is critical in this aspect. Instead of turning first time criminals into hardened criminals, we should ensure that criminals are treated as diseased human beings in need of treatment. We ought to consider which treatment would reduce the probability of recidivism and enhance the potential for the converted criminal to become productive members of the society.

Mass shootings: the human factor

On October 25 2023, the United States House of Representatives voted, 220–209, to elect Mike Johnson as the 56th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives.

On October 25, 2023, a gunman killed 18 people and injured 13 others during a shooting spree at two locations in Lewiston, Maine, United States.

What is the connection between these two seemingly completely unrelated events which happened on the same day, only a few hours apart?

The size of the government

Small government

What kind of small government do people want?


8: Eighth level of democracy — We, Humans

The definition of democracy started with the individual. It ends with humanity as a whole and the best it has to offer...


Addendum D: Democracy — Teaching it with ethics

How to teach democracy to young students in an ethical way?

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